Development of HSLynk: a data warehouse for HUD Homeless Management Information Systems, Coordinated Entry, and general human services
HSLynk contains APIs for mobile apps, a Big Data Warehouse, ODBC connectivity to a Data Mart for 3rd party reporting tools like Tableau, and built in canned HUD HMIS reports. Coordinated Entry is finished and general human services is coming soon!
Development of HSLynk: a data warehouse for HUD Homeless Management Information Systems, Coordinated Entry, and general human services
HSLynk contains APIs for mobile apps, a Big Data Warehouse, ODBC connectivity to a Data Mart for 3rd party reporting tools like Tableau, and built in canned HUD HMIS reports. Coordinated Entry is finished and general human services is coming soon!
The source code for this project is free (Mozilla Public License v2).
Public chat for HSLynk: